Simple Setup Process

Fill out the form so we can get your information and reserve a spot on the calendar for you
Request a Hepatitis C test if birthing at a Scripps Hospital (they will not release your placenta without this test on file PRE-BIRTH)We encourage you to keep a paper copy in your cooler just in case they lose it at the hospital.
Request or obtain copies of your HIV, Hep B results(these tests were run in early pregnancy)
Decide if you want to pay $325.00 thru paypal or mail cash/check at the rate of $275.00 for the discount, saving the Paypal fees on both our ends. If you wish to add other items(tincture or salve, please figure that additional cost in)
Take care of payment(due 1 month prior to due date)
Get a small hard plastic cooler ready(a bit bigger than a six pack cooler). We tell our mamas to fill it with snacks for the hospital then they don’t forget it. NO STYROFOAM coolers or cloth coolers – they dump and leak and we have no place to dispose of the styrofoam ones
Put cooler in your car so you for sure have it when baby is born(nurses will put your placenta in a ziplock or a plastic container and then fill your cooler with ice)
TEXT US WHEN IN ACTIVE LABOR… It’s ok if it is in the middle of the night – notice will give us time to plan our day around your baby. Some hospitals have a deadline as to when we need to retrieve your placenta so notice will help us form a plan and keep things smooth.
After baby is born and you have bonded for at least an hour – one of us will meet your partner out front and pickup your placenta(sometimes your doula will meet us as she is leaving). Bonding with your baby is VERY important, smell that baby, touch that baby – this is a once in a lifetime time frame…stretch it out for as long as you can!
Remember that we pickup your placenta at your birthing location AND deliver it back to your at no extra charge. We will process your placenta and have it back to you as soon as possible! Almost always before you leave the hospital.
Sign Up Now to reserve your spot