You Created A Quarantine Baby!!

By: Care Messer | Pregnancy | April 21, 2020

Congratulations!! All of this time inside(sex, sex and more sex) and now you’re having a baby!! Yay!! The sex doesn’t have to stop by the way! The emails and phone calls keep coming in and we are excited for you!! You are doing great to seek out birth information and contact us NOW instead of later!

Birth workers around the world are here to help! It does not matter if you want a medicated birth, an unmedicated birth, or a belly birth. No matter how your baby comes into the world YOU govern the feelings that are brought into that birth room. The feeling in the room is THE ONLY THING you can control in birth so wrap your head around that now!

THIS is your BABY’S birth – it is YOUR labor. Let me say that again – it is YOUR BABY’S birth. You already had your birth. Your baby only gets ONE birth and it is up to you to face any worries you may have, figure out solutions along the way and prepare to be their parent now AND in the birth room! Education and support – that’s what you need as soon as possible! You don’t need to be filled with fear and worry during your pregnancy. Your baby wants you to be calm and excited they are coming. They are baking in your feelings – you want them to be chill!

How do You Envision Your Baby’s Birth?

Your baby’s birth should be beautiful, calm, and respectful. This is their first impression of how safe the world is. It is up to you to guide that first impression and YOU CAN! Your BODY is powerful! YOU are strong and smart. YOU are the consumer and you have a say(and the final say) in your health care every step of the way. There are trusted experts in the birth world who only want the best experience for you and your baby. Your baby’s birth can be in a hospital, birth center, at home, or in the car! It can be awesome anywhere!

It is okay to be nervous, scared, and a little intimidated by this new pregnancy, labor, and birth thing! We have all been there. AND there are SO many people to support you throughout this pregnancy. You have time to create beautiful, life-changing moments for your new family. YOU have all the tools you need already inside. We are just here to help you discover them!
By coming to us(educators, doulas, midwives) early, we can offer guidance so you can face fears as they come up, resolve them and have a great backup plan if a fear shows up later.

Here are a Few Things You Should Think About

Did you know that you are going to be having babies during the peak induction season(Nov/Dec/Jan)

Why Does That matter?

Because if you have a baby that is not ready to be born, your baby may end up in the NICU.

Because if your body is not ready, you may end up in a cesarean that could have been avoided.

Why Do We Want to PREVENT a Cesarean You May Not Have Needed?

Because it is major surgery. It can lead to further complications after birth AND for future births. It can also leave you in the hospital longer and there are so many unknowns as to what to expect this winter when it comes to birth and the virus. We want you in and out of the hospital as fast as possible, so you can recover at home with your new baby. Inductions can take days and if you add on a cesarean – more days in the hospital.

We don’t know if we are going to have a second round of COVID in the fall/winter – NOW is the time you need to be educating yourself with evidence-based information.

You Will Want To:

1) Get with the right care provider earlier

2) Research which hospital in your area has the lowest cesarean rate.

3) Sign up/Reserve your spot for your “out of hospital” birth class before they are all FULL THIS FALL because pregnant people like you are already signing up! (this also gives you time to make payments or use your HSA or FSA card to cover the costs of the classes you’ll want)

4) Find an educator, doula, and/or a local midwife who knows how your area works and who will be the best support for the kind of birth you want for your baby.

5) Get comfortable with all things birth – how your body works and what comfort techniques will work best for you.

6) Gather the right nutrition information NOW to grow a healthy baby and prevent GBS(Group B Strep)so you can labor at home longer and possibly avoid antibiotics in labor.

7) AND start putting in the time and focus to create a beautiful birth for your baby(we have affirmations, relaxation/meditations, and the BEST books to read that will support you in a low fear, powerful birth.

Birth will change you. Birth will help you discover your power that has always been within. The power that has been untapped until now. You will amaze yourself. You are growing a human being. RIGHT NOW – you are growing a human and are not actively doing a thing! Did you know that birth is the same way? The power that grows the baby, expels the baby. Let us help you understand the magic of your body and how it works!

You CAN have a beautiful birth no matter what is going on around you. You and your partner can gain the confidence to make the right choices moment by moment. Your partner can be an amazing support to you during labor and bring that same connection right to your baby. You are going to be great parents and we want to help! Each of you have specific needs for the birth you are about to have. There are birth workers everywhere who want to help you discover the power that is YOU!

Don’t delay – DM a local birth educator – they will know where to send you next!! If your town does not have out-of-hospital birth educators – Google your nearest big city!

See our Instagram Highlights for our list of books/podcasts/videos etc. you can begin with!

To Join Our Mini Workshop OMG!! I’m Pregnant, Click Here

For more information on Hypnobirthing Classes…

About the author:
Care is the founder of the Birth Education Center, San Diego HypnoBirthing and Cuddle Sanctuary San Diego. She is a Birth Educator, Hypnotherapist, Birth and Postpartum Doula, INNATE Care Provider, Erotic Blueprint Coach and also professional Cuddler. She specializes in connection work between people and increasing self boundaries for a more balanced life together.


All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.