Do I Really Need A Doula? Part 2

By: Care Messer | Birth Doula, Doulas, Podcast | February 15, 2024

Welcome back to Part 2 with our discussion on why you need a doula! Ashley and I have been interviewed hundreds of times over the years. With those experiences, we learned what we are comfortable providing as far as services and what parents are really needing. We want to help you find the level of advocacy you are looking for.

Advocacy is an important discussion, and you want to understand a few things about informed consent before having that conversation with a doula you are considering. There are also things to think about when finding a doula that aligns with your personal beliefs. The right personality fit is a must but the way a doula may run her business must also align with your expectations of what you are expecting her to provide. There is a right fit!

We talk about the various ways to search for a doula, including social media and professional networks and offer practical advice on interviewing and how to hire a doula. We cannot stress enough the need for reliability, backup support, and the value of ongoing education over certification from any particular organization. The episode will guide you with things to consider as you find a doula who can advocate for you(if you want that) and support your birth preferences.

Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

About the author:
Care is the founder of the Birth Education Center, San Diego HypnoBirthing and Cuddle Sanctuary San Diego. She is a Birth Educator, Hypnotherapist, Birth and Postpartum Doula, INNATE Care Provider, Erotic Blueprint Coach and also professional Cuddler. She specializes in connection work between people and increasing self boundaries for a more balanced life together.


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