Alenna’s Hypnobirthing Birth Story: A Natural Birth Journey

By: Care Messer | Birth Story, Hypnobirthing, Podcast | February 27, 2025

In our final February love fest episode, I chat with Alenna, who shares her personal Hypnobirthing birth story. From how she and her husband accidentally found Hypnobirthing to what happened on delivery day, Alenna and her husband were on the same page about not using medication and did a lot of proactive practice ahead of time. You may hear about the peanut ball and its magic for the first time in this episode!

Alenna did great with remembering to ignore early labor to save energy for the real stuff later. A tip that most of us ignore and then regret later. As a self proclaimed control freak, she allowed herself to go with the flow even as a backup doula was called in because hers was at another birth. 

Her education and practice enabled her voice to come through and ask the important questions as they presented themselves. Alenna follows up with some great tips and real talk about preparing for birth and postpartum life. Thank you to Seneca for taking the baby and dog on a walk so we could meet up for this conversation – and we missed you!

Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

About the author:
Care is the founder of the Birth Education Center, San Diego HypnoBirthing and Cuddle Sanctuary San Diego. She is a Birth Educator, Hypnotherapist, Birth and Postpartum Doula, INNATE Care Provider, Erotic Blueprint Coach and also professional Cuddler. She specializes in connection work between people and increasing self boundaries for a more balanced life together.


All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.