Building The New
The secret to change is to FOCUS all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on BUILDING THE NEW… Socrates
What are you doing to create something new in your life? Welcoming in new deliciousness into your life means changing the old, setting your sites on something bigger and releasing what used to serve you for something better. You are worthy, you are worth it and you deserve it.
It takes more than setting intentions for your mind to believe that good stuff is coming. You have purposefully put out action to back up those intentions and forward propel those thoughts as your mind comes to accept that you believe it is coming. It’s vibration – what you put out is what you are going to get back.
The universe does not want us “to fight” it wants us to allow. Just look around you. Nature is an allowance, It flows in cycles and trusts that the next season will show up right on time. Nature moves forward. Nature lets the old stuff die and creation moves forward. Nature doesn’t get stuck. It’s in constant motion. I picture the ocean when I need to remind myself of this.
Focus your efforts on what you want to happen – who cares about how it’s always been done? Old ideas are just that – old ideas. Change things up. Change your people up. Don’t let fear of failure become your excuse to not try something new. WHAT IF YOU SUCCEED? There is always going to be someone who quits, someone who stays in the same rut and someone who continually complains about it. YOU don’t have to be that person.