Jennifer Cole
CD(DONA), HCHD She/Her/Hers
Jennifer is a DONA-certified Birth Doula and Certified Hypnobabies trained Doula. She has continued her education by completing the BEC Professional Doula Series (including the VBAC course and auditing the Hypnobirthing series) and has attended the Spinning Babies workshop with Nicole Morales, Massage for Labor workshop with Jamie Mossay, Breastfeeding for Doulas workshop with Kim Elkins and Acupressure techniques with PUSH San Diego. She has also mentored new doulas at UCSD’s Hearts & Hand Volunteer Doula Service and trained as a virtual doula.
Jennifer’s decision to become a doula has been a life-changing choice that she reached later in life. After spending 21 years working in the commercial real estate industry and raising two sons, she reexamined what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, feeling like her innate talents weren’t being fully utilized. Her epiphany was simple: she wanted to be of service to others and felt called to assist birthing people and their partners during one of the most significant experiences of their lives. Her commitment is to continue to cultivate her skills in order to provide the most comprehensive support she can, whether it be informational, physical, emotional or spiritual. Her goal is for parents to feel prepared, positive and empowered when meeting their babies. She will guide them there with gentleness, compassion and good humor.
*While the professional birth and postpartum doulas listed on the website are carefully screened and selected by the Birth Education Center, they are not employees. All doulas invest in the program by paying a yearly listing fee. By entering into contract with your doula, you do so at your own risk. The doulas are responsible for the means and methods for providing non-medical support to families, within their scope of practice.