Birth Education Center Blog

The Survivor’s Road to Parenthood, Postpartum and Breastfeeding, Part 4
We’ve all heard the stories, whether from friends, personal acquaintances, or on the news: A postpartum woman has done the unthinkable, whether to her baby or to herself, leaving her loved ones and so many others in unimaginable shock and grief. Seldom are we ever…

The Survivor’s Journey, Pregnancy and Birth, Part 3
In last week’s post, we considered possible challenges around fertility, conception, and the prospect of parenthood for those with a history of sexual abuse. For some, this is where you may encounter your first challenge of the journey. For others, conception comes easy and is…

Survivor’s Road to Parenthood: Fertility, Conception and Sexual Abuse Part 2
You very well may have “worked through” a substantial amount of your wounds from the sexual abuse of your past. Or, maybe it’s tucked so far away from your conscious awareness, you hardly think of it any more, even though you might have puzzling difficulties…

The Survivor’s Road to Parenthood, Part 1
The road to parenthood is a sacred life passage for all to go through it, filled with unforgettable joys, intense trials, and so many surprises! The need for support along the journey is often under-acknowledged in our culture, and therefore largely unmet. The messages expectant…