Birth Education Center Blog

How To Calm Birth Fear
Today’s show introduces midwife Jenny West as we explore the topic of fear in pregnancy and childbirth. Jenny has been a midwife for over 30 years, an author, childbirth educator, hypnotherapist and craino sacral therapist. Her extensive training in Hypnotherapy has allowed her to help…

Freedom From Fear
Emotionally dealing with ALL the ideas and feelings that come up around pregnancy, labor and birth is part of our natural transition into this new phase as a woman – becoming a mother in the physical. My adoption of a sweet, little 5 year old…

Ready or Not – Your Baby is Coming!
It makes me sad that when we think of birth – the images that quickly come to mind aren’t happy, empowered and joyful. A disservice our modern day media has “gifted us” where we can easily share and perpetuate even more fear and distrust of…

Why You So Scared To Have A Baby?
Birth is happening all around us. Always. Daily. Nightly. Afternoonly. Birth happens on this planet. Even in our backyards(bugs, birds and lizards folks – and hopefully not your neighbors in their backyards!) Humans have babies. Everything alive duplicates itself. Why then, do you cringe at…

LET IT GO | Be In Full Control of Your Thoughts and Beliefs
I was scared of birth. Actually, the words terrified, paralyzed, and petrified might be a better use of language. I wanted a lot of drugs – I love drugs, I love hospitals and all the drugs. BUT – a cruel joke from mother nature had…