Birth Education Center Blog

Childbirth Education Helps You to Have an Empowered Birth
In this one-year anniversary episode, Ashley and I go back to the essential role of childbirth education in reducing fear and improving birth experiences for both parents and babies. Pretty much every episode this year has come back to education, education, education! If you haven’t…

The Unique Perspective of Childless Doulas: Supporting Birth Without Personal Experience
Today’s show is a mentoring call for doulas but ALSO provides great information for parents considering hiring a doula without kids. Ali Feroah, the former host of Birth Kweens joins us today along with Ellie Oberg, a fellow doula without kids! Sometimes parents are hesitant…

Why Birth Preparation is Crucial for Pregnant Millennials
Where are my pregnant Millennials? As a birth educator, I strongly urge you to prepare for your baby’s birth. This preparation goes way beyond just YouTube, reading books and talking to friends. Get in a childbirth class! You don’t know what you’re missing until after…

How To Choose The Right Childbirth Educator
Let’s start with this… Our bodies are a force of nature. We have been creating and carrying humans to populate the earth for thousands of years. For centuries, we had no doctors, no Google, no checklists, and no textbooks to tell us what was happening…

Free Online Birth Class | What Is This All About?
I’ve gotten SO many questions about this free online class – How to Avoid an Unnecessary Cesarean – so I am addressing them in this video. We don’t have to be scared to give birth – and with evidenced based information, we can release that…

How To Help Parents With A New Baby
When it comes to support in the Postpartum time – there are so many things that are different now. Just a few years ago – our grandparents parented at a time when we were guessing on so many ideas without any factual, science-based evidence for…

How Can Grandparents Be Supportive?
New parents are always asking how they can explain what they have learned in birth class to the grandparents of this new baby. Hopefully this video will help! For new parents, the advice given to them on a daily basis is ENDLESS! It seems like…

You Are Just As Fierce In The Birth Room As You Are In the Boardroom
I read an article in pathways magazine that sparked this whole post. I will include the link at the end of the blog. It called to me in a deep way. I want to shout this from the rooftops(and actually do quite often). We are…

Use Your BRAIN!
The B.R.A.I.N. acronym is something that birth educators, doulas and midwives have been using for a long time to help parents become more educated and engaged with their care providers. The world of birth medicine and obstetrics seems very overwhelming to a lay person. And…

Birth Plan or Bust!
I have seen birth plans that list every ingredient in every vaccinations and the toxicity level of products that should not be used on their baby. I have seen birth plans with more exclamation points at the end of every sentence then curse words on…