Birth Education Center Blog

Early Breastfeeding Education with Dr. Morgan MacDermott
In this episode, Dr. Morgan MacDermott joins me to discuss holistic approaches to breastfeeding, and to address common misconceptions and myths. Breastfeeding definitely has a learning curve and needs to be researched well ahead of a baby being in your arms. We somehow miss the…

Setting Yourself Up For Breastfeeding Success
You’re through the first two trimesters of your pregnancy, and now entering the “home stretch” – yaaaay! This whole “I’m having a baby” thing is becoming more and more real! You may have already set up the nursery (or not!), set up your gift registry,…

Breastfeeding Is A Journey You Can Get Through
Allison’s Story “I think the majority of mamas hope to breastfeed. I had my heart SET on it. I grew up hearing stories from my mom about nursing my brother and me into our toddler years, and I expected it to be no different for…

The Survivor’s Road to Parenthood, Postpartum and Breastfeeding, Part 4
We’ve all heard the stories, whether from friends, personal acquaintances, or on the news: A postpartum woman has done the unthinkable, whether to her baby or to herself, leaving her loved ones and so many others in unimaginable shock and grief. Seldom are we ever…