Birth Education Center Blog

Alenna’s Hypnobirthing Birth Story: A Natural Birth Journey
In our final February love fest episode, I chat with Alenna, who shares her personal Hypnobirthing birth story. From how she and her husband accidentally found Hypnobirthing to what happened on delivery day, Alenna and her husband were on the same page about not using…

Katie’s VBAC – a Transformative Journey from Hospital to Home Birth
In this episode, Katie contrasts her two births. Her first birth led to a cesarean that was unplanned and unwanted. Katie’s hope is that her lessons can serve as teaching tools and warnings for new parents to get educated early, find the best support and…

Taylor’s Natural Birth Story
Today we have a Hypnobirthing birth story. Taylor and Jack recount their unmedicated birth experience supported by their doula, Heather. New parents that are looking into Hypnobirthing always want to know how the tools work in labor and birth. And the cool part about birth…

A Natural Twin Home Birth
Today’s episode features a twin home birth! Kelly and Kevin came through my Hypnobirthing classes in 2020 and had a home birth for their first child(Kevin’s 2nd child )and assumed they would have their second baby at home too. But finding out they were having…

Becoming A Birth Photographer
**Trigger Warning** This is an episode for doulas and covers parts of our job that involves loss and birth trauma. If you are a pregnant parent and are not in the headspace for that, please take care of yourself and skip this episode. We will…

A NICU Birth Story
Dr. Shani and How She Prepared For The Unexpected Today’s show is a deeply personal and insightful episode of our podcast. Ashley and I interview Dr. Shani, a former Hypnobirthing student and local acupuncturist as she recounts her unexpected emergency c section and stay in…

Alicia and Gino’s Birth Story
Our first birth story of Season two! Alicia and Gino share their birth story today and dive into the emotional and practical facets of their labor and delivery. These parents took to heart the conscious preparation for their baby’s birth and really invested the time…

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) in pregnancy – Jelina’s Birth Story and Becoming a Doula
This show contains the reality of what pregnancy can be life if you have hyperemesis gravidarum(HG) during pregnancy. This is a condition of severe nausea & vomiting and that can lead to dehydration, malnutrition and weight loss. It usually lasts through the entire pregnancy and…

How to Prepare for Birth – Tamra’s Hypnobirthing Story
In today’s show we are talking with Tamra about her birth story and she used the Hypnobirthing techniques to take great care of herself during labor. Tamra started her birth preparation early because she realized that she didn’t want to be dependent on outside elements…

The Power of Flexibility: Clarisa’s Birth Story, Lessons in Embracing the Unexpected
It’s a birth story show! Trigger warning for anyone who prefers not to hear about miscarriage. Clarisa came through our Hypnobirthing series and the vision of her birth only became stronger. Labor and babies however, are a wild card in the equation and her journey…