Birth Education Center blog
Is Water Birth Better?
Is water birth better? Well – this mom thought so. It was accidental but just what she had envisioned when it came to her birth vision. One of the many lessons labor brought this couple was the importance of a sacred, calm laboring environment. Labor…
A C Section | Can It Be Gentle?
How did this mom go from planning a natural birth to fully embracing a gentle cesarean birth with no regrets? Education and the right support proved once again to make an unwanted scenario something manageable and smooth. Kristine and her husband took HypnoBirthing, read all…
Pregnancy & Brushing for Two, or Three!
As a soon to be mom, you make all sorts of sacrifices. Of course, expecting moms gladly and gracefully give of themselves with full awareness of the much greater rewards once the baby is born. During nine months of carrying your baby, you may get…
A Home Birth
On Saturday evening before our estimated due date, I had a little bloody show that we took as a sign that we’d be starting labor soon. Although “Dr. Google“ suggested that it could still be as much as 2 weeks away… Regardless, I decided to treat…
Why A Home Birth?
Why not a home birth? Before classes, this mom had known that a home birth was the direction she wanted to head but her husband was not on board. Through education, healthy checkups and a lot of questions – things changed. Choosing the right support…
How Is A Birth Center Different?
Having a baby at a birth center and working with midwives, may give you different options in your labor and birth that are just not offered in a typical hospital setting. Be also forewarned, that working late into the end of pregnancy that you may…
Our Birth Story
Hi Ashley, Care & The San Diego HypnoBirthing Team! My husband and I took your class at the Birth Education Center this past April/May. We wanted to send you a little update regarding the birth of our daughter this June. And also thank you! Your…
Why Should I Give Birth In A Birth Center?
Davina first contacted me when she found out she was pregnant. She and her husband were stationed in Jacksonville Florida but would be moving to San Diego by mid pregnancy. She got all the latest information on the best care providers, what classes she could…
Why Does Breath Work With Labor?
Rachel’s choice for a natural birth took practice, intention and a lot of patience with her body. As a massage therapist she understood the power of the mind- body connection and the importance of breath as our biggest asset and tool in life. Hiring a…
Why Birth Outside Of The Hospital?
So you already heard this registered nurse give a testimonial for birth classes and why they are important… Now you get to hear her birth story about an out-of-hospital birth center. Why would an RN choose out of hospital birth when she works at a…